In a society where many cultures strive to coexist, yet dominated by a few, many different sexualities are socially constrained. Where is the place for the two male dancers from different cultural backgrounds in this European context when it comes to spaces in between desire, obsession, sexuality and spirituality? Coloured with sounds controlling and directing this space, a metamorphosis which is ultimately about existentiality suggesting a certain kind of spiritual purification and blurring the tension between life and death as conceived in many recent Western ideologies.

A controversial vulgar sex and death scandal in Japan forms the inspiration for this performance. The story follows an erotic relationship of Sada Abe who eventually cuts off the penis and testicles of her lover Kichizo Ishida on May 18, 1936. Since then it has been interpreted by artists of different kinds.

This work has been developed independently in CLOUD/Danslab (The Hague) and BodLabOT (Amsterdam).

Choreography / dance: Tashi Iwaoka, Fazle Shairmahomed
Sound: Stefano Sgarbi
Trailer: Malik Nashad Sharpe
Video: Berk Duygun, Julia Kiryanova
Team of advisors: Valentina Lacmanovic, Stephanie Pan, Thomas Körtvélyessy, Ivan Babincheck, Sato Endo, Sarah Safi Harb